Thursday, September 08, 2005

A Matter of Faith

Bro Joe
Suppose a stranger came to me and offered to hold my wallet for safekeeping. If I let him, that would be blind unfounded faith. However, if my father came to me and made an identical proposal, and I accepted, that would be faithbased on a long loving relationship.

If you trusted the stranger, I would say you were gullible at the very least, foolish would be another word that comes to mind. Conversely, to refuse the offer of a loving father would itself be a fool's choice.

John the Apostle knew what faith entailed. He did not put his trust in a stranger, but in one who he knew face to face. Someone whom he had observed daily for a period of at least three years. So when he wrote the Gospel that bears his name, he did it with a goal
in mind.

So, when you choose to examine the evidence presented by John you are not
making a blind leap. John asks you to carefully consider his evidence
and base your faith on the facts. Never leap into the dark--jump into
the light.

1 comment:

Michigan District Music Blog said...

Wow Joe, I really like your blogspot. Great job and good content. Keep up the good work and example.