Monday, September 03, 2018

A Different Translation of Genesis: Chapter 1

בְּרֵאשִׁית‬-Bereshit-Hebrew for "In the Beginning"  

γένεσιςGenesis-Greek for "Beginning"

Chapter 1. 

In former times Deity-Master of All Power created-shaped the sky and the land. 1:1 

     And the land existed as a formless confused emptiness.  And extreme darkness over surfaces of depths.  And the Spirit-wind from Deity-Master of All Power was moving continuously and rapidly to and fro upon the surface of the waters. 1:2

     And Deity-Master of All Power spoke out: “It is becoming light,” and it was light. 1:3 

     And he considered the light, that functional-valuable, Deity-Master of All Power made a distinction between the light and between the darkness. 1:4 And Deity-Master of All Power gave a name to the light-”Day,” and to the darkness he gave a name-”Night.”

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a first time 1:5    

      And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “Atmospheric vault was existing--will exist in between the waters,” it happened. 

     He made a distinction between these waters from those waters. 1:6

     Deity-Master of All Power fashioned-made the atmospheric vault into its required form and he caused a distinction to be made between the waters under the atmospheric vault and the waters in the atmospheric vault, and it existed so. 1:7
     And Deity-Master of All Power named the atmospheric vault-”Sky.”

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a second time 1:8 

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “The water will be gathered together under the atmosphere, towards one place, and the dry will become visible,” it became so. 1:9 

     Deity-Master of All Power named dry-”Land,” and the gathering together of the water he named-”Seas.” And Deity-Master of All Power saw that functional. 1:10

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “The land will be sprouted; vegetation, grass, scattering seeds, sowing, tree making offspring to form which its seed on the land,” it was so. 1:11 

     And it brought forth grass, herbage scattering seed, sowing in accordance to its form and tree forming offspring, Deity-Master of All Power saw that functional-valuable. 1:12

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a third time. 1:13 

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “Lights in heavenly atmospheric vault existing to make a distinction between the Day and between the Night,” and they existed a distinguishing mark and for sacred seasons and for day and years. 1:14 

     And they existed for lights in vault of the skies to cause light on the land, and it existed as follows: 1:15 And Deity-Master of All Power appointed two lights, the great ones, the great light a ruler of day and the small light a ruler of the night and the stars. 1:16 And Deity-Master of All Power ascribed, to them in atmospheric vault of visible skies to shine over the land, 1:17 to represent in day and in night to make a distinction between daylight and between darkness and Deity-Master of All Power saw as functional-valuable. 1:18

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a fourth time 1:19

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “They will be swarming-multiplying waters, swarmer-multiplier willful creatures and flyer it will fly over the land and on the faces of the atmospheric vault of the skies.” 1:20  

     Deity-Master of All Power created-fashioned the large crocodile and all breathing willful creatures that slithers-herds which multiplied the waters according to form and all flying to form, Deity-Master of All Power will see, that functional. 1:21 And Deity-Master of All Power caused them to prosper by saying, “You must be fruitful and you must increase, you must fill the waters in the seas and the flyer he must increase in the land.” 1:22

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a fifth time. 1:23

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “The land will cause the willful living ones to come out according to forms; animal, slithering-herding thing, living ones of land-earth, according to its forms it will become in this manner. 1:24 

     Deity-Master of All Power fashioned-prepared the living ones of the land according to its forms and the beasts according to its forms and all, all moving-herding things of the ground according to its forms and Deity-Master of All Power observed that functional. 1:25

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke, “We will fashion-prepare Adam-Humanity in our image and our likeness. And they will harvest fish of the sea and flyer of heavens and in the beasts in all the land and in every moving one, the one moving on the land.” 1:26 

And Deity-Master of All Power will create-fashion the Adam-Humanity in his image, in image of Deity-Master of All Power he will create-fashion them, a male and a female he will create-fashion them. 1:27

     And Deity-Master of All Power blessed them,

Deity-Master of All Power spoke to them, “You must bear fruit, you must grow great, you must consecrate the land, you must bring it under control, you must harvest in fish of the sea and in flyer of the atmosphere and in all living ones that move about on the land.” 1:28 

And Deity-Master of All Power spoke. “Look, I gave to you all green plants seeding seed, that on surface of all the land and all of the tree which in it fruit of tree seeding,  see,  for you it will be for food.” 1:29 

“And to every living thing of the land and to every winged of the atmosphere and for every moving-herding one on the land which in him willful life, every green herbage for food,” and it was so. And Deity-Master of All Power saw all that he fashioned-made and look, very functional-valuable. 1:30

And it was a breaking-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, the sixth time. 1:31 


My Commentary

 The heavens are recounting the honour of God, And the work of His hands The expanse is declaring. Ps 19:1


For that one who studies and enjoys science and also studies and enjoys the Bible:
It is often stated that the sciences and the Bible are at odds. In fact you can't believe both at the same time because they are contradictory. As one who in fact sees both the Bible and Science as compatible I made an effort to look at Genesis to see what there was to see. In that endeavor I undertook to “translate” from the Hebrew to English what Moses wrote down in Genesis. In doing so I found some interesting differences from the translations of old...
In reading the account in Genesis it should be asked, “Why was it written?”
It was written as an account of the relationship of deity to humanity. And more specifically the branch of humanity that later would be known as Israel. What are the roots of Israel, why was it singled out and what was its purpose?
The first chapter of Genesis is concerned with the “terraforming” of the land and the sky that was over it. This included the appearance of the lower creatures and then those which we call higher forms of life.

So in looking at the Hebrew, I try to put some thoughts and questions down that help me understand what Deity revealed to Moses.  Someone who feels that the study of the world around us can not be contradictory to that revelation, because the same Deity that revealed is the one that was there for it all.   

The writer of the book of Genesis

Moses was the one who penned the book of beginnings.  All that we know about him is limited to what is found in the Pentateuch-Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.  The oral traditions that were passed down from Hebrew rabbis are also part of what we know concerning Moses.  1400 years after Moses the writers of the New Testament refer to his upbringing--"and Moses was taught in all wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in words and in works."   

It should not be a surprise that Moses wrote in the style and with the imagery of his early training.  This is not an impediment to the faith of those who think that Moses wrote only of things that Deity "revealed" to him.

Don't be surprised, the way Moses composed the first few chapters of Genesis are compatible with the "modern" understanding of the world we see around us.  

In former times Deity created-shaped the sky-heavens and the land-earth. 1:1

In the beginning-In former times or the one in the beginning. The one who has preeminence who is Deity. A question arises when looking at the creation-fashioning of the sky and land. Is this a purely localized event in respect to this part of the solar system? Or is Moses speaking of the broader context of everything that exists in the universe? 

     Deity-Elohim is the plural word for god in Genesis.  It may also be translated as Deity.  There is only One type of true Deity just as there is only one type of human.  Deity is juxtaposed to humanity. Deity is existent outside of time without limit in power and knowledge. There is only one type of deity.  Elohim is an "human" deity.  That is to say that it is not an animal or plant deity.  As opposed to other religions that had animal and plant deities.  This helps to understand how there is only one (type of) Deity, and yet there can be three persons, all are the same sort of being--deity.  Just as we understand there is one humanity but there are billions of individual humans.  Deity is presented in Genesis as the class of being that directed the formation of the sky, land and living things.  This class of being somehow effected and or affected change on the heavens-skies and earth-land. This change is recorded as ברא / BRA. The most basic meaning is “to fatten or fill up” and further to "form, fashion or create."  In Genesis chapter 1, Deity is shown to be the guiding, forming intelligence that directs and is involved in the world-land as it was brought into existence.  It is an open question as to whether Deity created ex-nihilo (from nothing) or if existing matter was formed into the platform upon which life could exist.  

He did this to the atmosphere-sky and the earth-land. It might be conjectured that this includes all of the existent universe as we understand today or it might be referencing the completion of the terra and its atmospheric envelope. What follows in the next chapters of Genesis is a explanation of the origins of the earth-land and its surroundings as a lead up to the origins of the Adamic-Priestly lineage of those to whom Moses belonged and was writing.  


     And the land-earth existed as a formless confused emptiness.  And extreme darkness over surfaces of depths.  And the Spirit-wind from Deity was moving continuously and rapidly to and fro upon the surface of the waters. 1:2

     There is a question that is often expounded upon, “Should it be: the earth wasor becamea void?” Somesuppose a long “gap” or change in the status of the earth and its environs that took place between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This “gap” allow for long ages to pass and the fossils of monsters that existed in an imagined first creation of 1:1. It is proposed as the time of manlike creatures, i.e. co-magnon man, neanderthal etc. to explain those remains as well as the remaining “disembodied spirits” that are demons and evil spirits in the biblical accounts. 

The land-earth -- Those who heard or read this word near the time Moses wrote would have thought of the land-earth in a way that to them was confirmed by observation.  Their world was as big as they could see plus that portion they knew about. Beyond that existed the realms that they had heard about from trusted "explorers."  Some have called them "scientifically naive".  But within the limitations of their ability, they made observations and drew conclusions.  They could observe the world and make judgments about it that were limited but could be called "scientific."

"Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence."

     Their observations were collated and stated in ways that they would have called "science."  The current view is that people ten thousand years ago were unscientific is egocentric to say the least.  The data was more circumscribed, no doubt, but it took into account what they had observed and tried to make sense of it.  We now call that the scientific method.

formless confused emptiness-- Put in modern scientific jargon "The formation of the Earth as a planet was a large stochastic process..."  That the origin of the land-earth was an area of study of their scientific communities cannot be denied.

     Around 4000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ the Sumerian civilization began to rise on the planes of Mesopotamia.  Cuneiform was devised about 400 years later and around 3500 years before Christ tablets recounting the Sumerian's view of the organization of the land-earth were written.  The state of formlessness, confusion (chaos) and emptiness were considered unsuitable for life.  So Deity entered the scene and started to organize things, at least in the vicinity of land-earth.

     There are similarities between the Sumerian accounts of creation and the flood but many dissimilarities as well.
This is the accounting of how Deity formed the land-earth to be "just right" for life.  And his right to name and therefore his right of ownership.  

was moving continuously and rapidly to and fro upon the surface of the waters--Deity is position on the planet in the extreme darkness.  Carefully note that the Spirit-wind is on the surface of the water, that is to say on the surface of the “planet.” From this perspective it might be assumed that he is moving about the “planet.” The solid part, the land-country which existed as a formless-confused darkness-misery that was over the surface, extending to the deep—A confused darkness enshrouded the whole earth-land without any light reaching the surface.   

     The Spirit-wind from Deity is upon the surface, in the midst of the chaos.  He is surrounded by the darkness that shrouds the entire land-earth that is covered by the waters.  There are many theories on the stages in earth's transitions from clouds of dust particles to magma oceans to H2O.
     Obviously the first hearers and readers of these things would have understood the descriptions differently than we do today.  That in fact does not make them inaccurate, just inaccurately understood.   Is it possible for Deity to relate to Moses the events in such a way that as new data are observed the understanding of the description of the "creation" is modified?
     Deity took up residence on the planet and moved about over the surface of the waters or fluid magma or later in the sequence of events over the surface of the fluid H2O.  

And Deity spoke out: “It is-was becoming-existing light,” and it was-existed light. 1:3      

It is becoming --This is taken to be a kind of command or wish by Deity such as "It will become..." or "Let it become..."  To be decided is whether Deity is creating light or is He from His stand-point over the surface of the deep merely calling for the light to penetrate the extreme darkness?   I take it that Deity is calling for the "shades" to be opened to allow light to reach through to the surface of the planet.  "It was existing" is also a possible way of translating this.  It an imperfect verb and has the meaning of an action that is unfinished-it is existing, it was existing, it will exist...  The last part of the sentence light it was, light it existed.  
     This "being or beings" Deity proclaimed that there will be light on the planet that is shrouded in darkness. If you have studied anything on the subject of light it is known that a type of light (cosmic microwave background) was there before the existence of suns and stars but suns and stars existed before their planets. Therefore it must be concluded that if the earth-land was the focus of this creation-formation that the sun and stars were already in existence,  the Spirit-wind was hovering in darkness over the earth-land.
     The pronouncement that there would be light was not a calling into being of the sun and stars but that the confused darkness would condense down, solidifying, becoming the planet and allowing the light to reach the surface of the earth-land where Deity was moving.  
     At this point it must be noted that several things have happened without any reference to time except a series of sequential events.

     From the viewpoint of a person on the surface of the earth-land, a progressive change towards a livable environment is being chronicled.  

And he considered the light, that functional-valuable, Deity made a distinction-separation between the light and between the darkness. 1:4 And Deity gave a name to the light-”Day,” and to the darkness he gave a name-”Night.”

     Deity considered the light and saw that it was functional-good and made a distinction-separation between light and dark. At this point it is possible that the earth-land began to rotate so that the whole earth-land would have the light and dark.  But obviously there was not a continual daylight on the surface of the earth-land.  Light-Day changed to dark-night and dark-night changed to light-day.   The 2nd century BC audience would not have understood the change between light and dark (night and day) to be a movement of the sun, moon, and stars.  Today it is called a rotation of the earth-land.  They observed the daily change, from the vantage point of the land's-earth's surface, and they drew the conclusion that the heaven-sky rotated around the land-earth.    

functional-valuable--Deity saw-considered that the light produced a beneficial effect on the earth-land and was also necessary for the next steps
gave a name to the light-”Day,"--This is the first use of the word "day" Genesis (in Hebrew יוֹם yôwm.) --  
and to the darkness he gave a name-”Night.”   The absence of light received the name "night."
Using the unpointed Hebrew vs the Masoretic Text.
Multiple meaning in Hebrew from one root word.

After considerable study and translation work I stumbled upon:

And he is existing a weaving- knitting ערב and he is existing a plowing-a taking care of בּקר--a first time 1:5 or

And he is existing a giving  surety-pledging ערב and he is existing a looking after בּקר--a first time 1:5 or

And it existed when light begins to fade (evening) ערב and it existed when light begins to appear (morningבּקר, daylight-day-time, a first – a unitifying. 1:5 

     The arrival of daylight is the arrival of the time to work.  Deity carried out its service to form the earth-land and the sky-heaven during the day-dayligh-timet.  Apparently this "day" is what happened previously, the calling of light, a day.  At this "day-time" he said, "It is becoming light..."  Then he considered, observed the light and named it day.  How long was deity on the surface of the earth-land before he made that observation? Conversely the time of darkness when there could be no work was called "Night."

  "Occupying land involves presence and naming it, imprinting it with the identity of the community in its particular language. Thus the Gitskan and Nisga’a peoples of Canada’s Pacific coast take possession of a particular tract of land by ‘walking the land’ and giving names to its mountains, rivers and streams, lakes. ‘I have taken this river to be mine alone’, "  

     And Deity spoke, “Atmospheric vault was existing--will exist in between the waters,” it happened. 
     He made a distinction between those waters from those waters. 1:6  
     As is observed today there is a difference between the water in the atmosphere--it is suspended as vapor and that on the earth-land is liquid, snow or ice.  The energy from the sun is required to start the hydrologic cycle.  Light broke through first and then evaporation and condensation began in the way we know now.

Deity fashioned-made the atmospheric vault and he caused a distinction to be made between the waters under the atmospheric vault and the waters in the atmospheric vault, and it existed so. 1:7
     And Deity named the atmospheric vault-”Heavens-Sky.”
     Naming expressed ownership.  This first chapter of Genesis showed the ownership of the earth-land and all living creatures belonged to Deity.

And he is existing a weaving- knitting ערב and he is existing a plowing-a taking care of בּקר--a first time 1:5 or

And he is existing a giving  surety-pledging ערב and he is existing a looking after בּקר--a first time 1:5 or

And it existed when light begins to fade (evening) and it existed when light begins to appear (morning), daylight-day-time,  a second–again . 1:8 

    Might it be that Deity is reporting to Moses that during a period of work (daylight) He made some administrative decisions and executed some administrate actions that set into motion changes in the heaven-sky and earth-land environment.   Deity does not explain the physical mechanism by which these changes were brought.
     Nevertheless, Deity worked during a daylight period.  It would seem that that day was measured from the location that would later be known as the fertile crescent.  Since this history is recounted from the standpoint of Moses and the Hebrews of his time and how they were part of the story, they and their location would be the focal point.
     It would not be necessary that these days-daylights are 24 hour periods that follow immediately one after the other.  But a recounting of times of progressive changes that Deity inaugurated to direct the direction of the early earth's history to reach a pre-determined objective.

Looking at ערב as knitting and or pledging we are forced to contemplate the difference that might be implied for a progressively more involved and complicated system being put together.  Deity was involved with taking a chaotic unordered cosmos and knitting-weaving it into a greater level of orderliness.  From this there was a period of בּקר  plowing-caring until it was ready for another advancement.

And Deity spoke, “The water will be gathered together under the atmosphere, towards one place, and the dry will become visible,” it became so. 1:9 

water will be gathered--Based upon the grammar of קָוָה qavah, this is imperfect passive, meaning that it is an unfinished action.  Three ways to translate it are:

  • The water will be gathered
  • The water was being gathered
  • The water is being gathered
So is Deity causing the gathering or is he observing and remarking on it?  Or is it both?
will become visible--רָאָה râʼâh imperfect passive, meaning that is an unfinished action.  Three ways to translate it are:

  • dry will become visible
  • dry was becoming visible
  • dry is being gathered
Again it is asked is Deity causing the becoming visible or is he merely observing and remarking on it?  Or is it both?

Deity named dry-”Land-Earth,” and the gathering together of the water he named-”Seas.” And Deity saw that functional. 1:10

     The act of naming is again a statement of possession.  Deity possesses the Land-Earth and the Seas.  Deity observed that the separation of sea and dry was functional.  It was ready for the next step in the organization of an environment fit for mankind.


And Deity spoke, “The land-earth will be sprouted; vegetation, grass, scattering seeds, sowing, tree making offspring to form which its seed on the land,” it was so. 1:11 

will be sprouted--דָּשָׁא dâshâʼ an imperfect causative verb form.  An unfinished action being caused to happen.  Three ways to translate it are:

  • land-earth will be caused to sprout
  • land-earth was being caused to sprout
  • land-earth is being caused to sprout
We must assume that Deity having spoken was the instigator of the sprouting.  

And it brought forth grass, herbage scattering seed, sowing in accordance to its form and tree forming offspring, Deity saw that functional-valuable. 1:12

The land-earth "responded" by causing to sprout grass and trees with offspring according to the parents' kind or species. How did the land-earth accomplish this?  Moses does not give the details of the mechanics of the earth's ability to do this.  Was it the filling of niches by genetic manipulation?  Obviously sexual reproduction was involved because there were seeds.  We know that genetic diversity and change is facilitated by sexual reproduction.

There were many types of grasses and shrubs and trees.  Where does one species begin and another end?  Did these all spring into existence in the span of a thought or was there a long slow change while different species developed.

Perhaps the land-earth with its many unfilled niches was the "force" that provided the plants a form mold themselves into and thus to fill those many "open" spaces.  These were invaded by the plants that were there and were brought forth-fashioned by the "land-earth" in ways that caused them to change over time.  Deity set in motion this ability for the plant life to change over time to adapt to the land and in one way of thinking, the land brought forth the plants in their different adaptations.   

Deity saw the functionality of seed as a means of spreading and filling the environmental niches that were there.

Seeds also implies sexual reproduction which is a quicker way to introduce change into the offspring.

And he is existing a weaving- knitting ערב and he is existing a plowing-a taking care of בּקר--a first time 1:13 or

And he is existing a giving  surety-pledging ערב and he is existing a looking after בּקר--a first time 1:13 or  

And it existed when light begins to fade (evening) and it existed when light begins to appear (morning), daylight-day-time, a third time. 1:13 

Once again there was a change in the focus of the land-earth being made habitable.  The work day ended and the next began.  

And Deity spoke, “Lights in heavenly atmospheric vault existing to make a distinction between the Day and between the Night,” and they existed a distinguishing mark and for sacred seasons and for day and years. 1:14 

     And they existed for lights in vault of the heavens-skies to cause light on the land-earth, and it existed as follows: 1:15 And Deity appointed two lights, the great ones, the great light a ruler of day and the small light a ruler of the night and the stars. 1:16 And Deity ascribed, to them in atmospheric vault of visible heavens-skies to shine over the land-earth, 1:17 to represent in day and in night to make a distinction between daylight and between darkness and Deity saw as functional-valuable. 1:18

Read in this fashion, again we see the Deity giving a description of something and not necessarily calling forth into existence the sun and moon.  He might in fact be setting out the guidelines for the use of those lights.  They are cyclical markers, reminders of the sacred seasons and the passing of the years.

And he is existing a weaving- knitting ערב and he is existing a plowing-a taking care of בּקר--a first time 1:19 or

And he is existing a giving  surety-pledging ערב and he is existing a looking after בּקר--a first time 1:19 or

And it existed when light begins to fade (evening) ערב and it existed when light begins to appear (morningבּקרdaylight-day-time, a first – a unitifying. 1:19 

And Deity spoke, “They will be swarming-multiplying waters, swarmer-multiplier willful creatures and flyer it will fly over the land and on the faces of the atmospheric vault of the heavens-skies.” 1:20  

     Deity created-fashioned the large crocodile and all breathing willful creatures that slithers-herds which multiplied the waters according to form and all flying to form, Deity will see, that functional. 1:21 And Deity caused them to prosper by saying, “You must be fruitful and you must increase, you must fill the waters in the seas and the flyer he must increase in the land.” 1:22

To multiply is to increase in numbers and to diversify in types.  Deity commanded or foresaw that the creatures would not only become numerous but their types and forms would diversify according to the niche they found to fill.

And it was a weaving-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, a fifth time. 1:23


And Deity spoke, “The land-earth will cause the willful living ones to come out according to forms; animal, slithering-herding thing, living ones of land-earth, according to its forms it will become in this manner. 1:24 

Deity called for the land-earth to cause the "willful living ones" to come into being.  Since mankind is one of those it is at this time that Adam-Humanity came into being.  

This is a pivotal point in the creation narrative, because here, at this time, the sentient beings we call hominids are existing.  Perhaps Neanderthal, Homo-sapiens and Denisovans lived together at one time or another.  They might be considered to be of the same type of willful living ones that Deity created-called forth from the land.  Out of this epoch emerged one of the three with the genetic makeup of the other (at least) two willful living ones that Deity foresaw or called forth.  In time Deity made a pledge to prepare-appoint the Adam-Human as his own likeness and image in the land-earth.

This being the case there are no contradiction between this "creation" account and the one to come in Genesis chapter 2.  Chapter two which we will deal with in another post--will give an account of the preparing and appointing of Adam-Human to his role as image and likeness of Deity.

 Deity fashioned-prepared the living ones of the land-earth according to its forms and the beasts according to its forms and all, all moving-herding things of the ground according to its forms and Deity observed that functional. 1:25

A question that might be considered is, "Is Deity preparing-appointing those living ones that inhabit the land-earth along with and for the benefit of Adam-Humanity?"  Perhaps those beasts that are "domesticated" were the ones that Deity has fashioned to become the functional cattle that Adam-Humanity needed to survive.  


And Deity spoke, “We will fashion-prepare-(appoint) Adam-Humanity in our image and our likeness. And they will take-harvest fish of the sea and flyer of heavens and in the beasts in all the land-earth and in every moving one, the one moving on the land-earth.” 1:26 

There were then a large number of "willful living ones" that were inhabiting the land-earth.  There numbers of these beings that were filling the land and their interactions probably would have been more numerous that we can tell from fossilized records.  Certainly it appears that the interbreeding of these groups would indicate a great similarity in physical characteristics and genetic compatablitiy.

Deity appointed Adam from all the willful living ones to be in his image and likeness.  In that image-likeness he was granted the right to harvest those of the "lower" live forms that he needed.  
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Obviously this changes a lot of "theology."  If true men were already given the right to "kill and eat" the animals, fowl and fish they needed.  The belief that man was not permitted to kill animals, fowl and fish before the flood is almost universal in the present Judeo-Christian teachings.  But, he was given dominion over those very beings in Genesis 1:26.  The question that needs to be considered is why not accept that רָדָה radah means to "take" as in harvest?  

And Deity created-fashioned the Adam-Humanity in his image, in image of Deity he created-fashioned them, a male and a female he created-fashioned them. 1:27

Deity fashioned the Adam-Humanity to be conformed to his image and not just the male of the species but the female as well was made to conform to the image of Deity.  Together they were fashioned-formed, 'educated.'

At this time we are seeing what will come in the next chapter.  This was Deity's design at the very beginning, that both the man and the woman would be fashioned in Deity's image.

     And Deity blessed them,

Deity not only blessed them but it is intensified and might be read as he caused them 'to be a blessing.'

Deity spoke to them, “You must bear fruit, you must grow great, you must consecrate the land-earth, you must bring it under control, you must harvest in fish of the sea and in flyer of the atmosphere and in all living ones that move about on the land.” 1:28 

Deity commanded them to consecrate the land-earth.  Set it apart.  This implies a type of holy land-earth where Deity is the only Deity.  

And Deity spoke. “Look, I gave to you all green plants seeding seed, that on surface of all the land and all of the tree which in it fruit of tree seeding,  see,  for you it will be for food.” 1:29 

Now Deity also gives the plants as food to the Adam-Human.  Not only were the animals given in verse 26 but extends that permission and authorization to eat plants as well. 

“And to every living thing of the land and to every winged of the atmosphere and for every moving-herding one on the land which in him willful life, every green herbage for food,” and it was so. And Deity saw all that he fashioned-made and look, very functional-valuable. 1:30

Not only to the human-Adam but to the animal kingdom as well.  Deity extends use of these areas to those who are in his realm and under his care.

And it was a weaving-knitting and it was a ploughing-taking care of, the sixth time. 1:31 

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